Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Mar 20 (ANI): Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister and BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan wrote to state Assembly Speaker NP Prajapati late Thursday night, requesting him to ensure adherence to Supreme Court's directions during the floor test on Friday."I request you to ensure adherence to SC's directions for the floor test on March 20. Please ensure that nothing that is in violation of directions occur, that could lead to contempt of court," Chouhan wrote in his letter to Prajapati.He also pointed out in the letter that despite the floor test scheduled for Friday, he had not received any notice from the Speaker's office for the same. Chouhan requested the Speaker to immediately issue a summon. Chief Minister Kamal Nath will have to prove his majority in the Madhya Pradesh legislative Assembly at 2 p.m. on Friday following the apex court's direction. Speaking to ANI, Chouhan said, "The Speaker should have accepted the MLAs resignations earlier. It is a serious matter that till now, despite Supreme Court's order for floor test, the list of business has not been published. Is the government above Supreme Court?"A bench of the apex court, headed by Justice DY Chandrachud said the floor test would be held by show of hands in accordance with the law and it should be completed by 5 pm on Friday.The top court was hearing the petition filed by Chouhan and other BJP leaders seeking floor test in Madhya Pradesh Assembly claiming that the Congress government in the state has lost the majority.The development came after 22 Congress MLAs tendered their resignation after Jyotiraditya Scindia, a prominent face of the Congress, resigned and joined the BJP. (ANI)
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