Chitrakoot, December 6: Six people were killed and five were injured in a road accident in Uttar Pradesh's Chitrakoot, police said. Speaking to reporters, Chitrakoot Superintendent of Police (SP) Arun Kumar Singh said the accident happened when a vehicle carrying 11 people collided with a truck while they were returning from Prayagraj after immersing a family member's ashes. Uttar Pradesh Accident: Police Vehicle Overturns Into Drain in Rampur, Woman Constable Dead, 3 Injured.
"Around 5:00-5:30 am, a car collided with a truck near Raipura police station. The accident occurred when the car, carrying 11 passengers, was returning after immersing the ashes of a family member. The family belonged to Chhatarpur, they were coming from Prayagraj. It appears that the car driver may have fallen asleep. All occupants of the vehicle were injured, and six of them have died," he said. Further information is awaited.
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