Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Aug 23 (ANI): Chhattisgarh High Court advocate Hanuman Prasad Aggarwal has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court claiming himself to be a descendant of Lord Ram.Speaking to media reporters here, Aggarwal said that he filed the affidavit as the apex court recently asked if there were any descendants of Lord Ram."Recently the Supreme Court asked if there are any descendants of Lord Ram? So I filed an affidavit after collecting evidence from the internet," he said. Citing Agar Bhagwat, the advocate said Agarwals who are sons and grandsons of Maharaj Agrasen are Lord Ram's descendants."It is written in Agar Bhagwat that Maharaja Agrasen, who is the ancestor of the Agrawal community, is the 34th generation of Kush, son of Lord Ram. All Agarwals, who are sons and grandsons of Maharaj Agrasen, are Lord Ram's descendants," he said.A week ago, BJP MP and member of the erstwhile Jaipur royal family Diya Kumari and another erstwhile Mewar-Udaipur royal family made similar claims. According to the genealogical document provided by Kumari's family, King Dashrath appears on the 62nd number in the family tree, while Lord Ram and Kush appear on the 63rd and 64th numbers respectively. Sawai Jai Singh, Madho Singh and other rulers of the Jaipur royal family too appear on the documents provided by them. (ANI)
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