Chennai: Customs Seize 6.8 Kg Gold Worth Rs 2.28 Crore, One Arrested
The Customs Department arrested one passenger and seized 6.8 kilograms of gold worth Rs 2.28 crore in the market.
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Nov 25 (ANI): The Customs Department arrested one passenger and seized 6.8 kilograms of gold worth Rs 2.28 crore in the market."The passenger had arrived from Colombo. Gold was being smuggled in paste form and was found concealed in passenger's rectum," a release by the Commissioner of the Customs on Monday read.The primary accused was identified as Mohamed Niyas (23) of SP Pattinam who had arrived from Colombo on a Sri Lankan airlines flight.Upon being questioned, Niyas said that he had brought the gold in paste form from Dubai and had handed over the bundles to some co-passengers in the transit lounge at the Colombo.He identified some of the passengers6 to whom he had passed on the gold. Upon thorough checking, 29 passengers were intercepted who agreed to have received gold in paste form from Niyas.Further investigation is underway. (ANI
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