Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Nov 23 (ANI): Telugu Desam Party (TDP) chief N Chandrababu Naidu on Saturday thanked Union Home Minister Amit Shah for promptly including Amaravati in the map after being pointed out by TDP ministers."I personally thank you for the quick steps taken in this (inclusion of Amaravati in the map) and also bring wishes of people of Andhra Pradesh and TDP. I take this opportunity to thank the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi for taking the initiative and you for immediately publishing the corrected version of the India map," Naidu's letter to the Union Home Minister read.A similar letter by the former Andhra Pradesh chief minister was also sent to Minister of State (MoS) in the Home Ministry, G Kishan Reddy.After the correction of map on Friday, TDP general Secretary Nara Lokesh had through a tweet claimed it as a result of fight by party MP Jayadev Galla."It is Chandrababu who put Amaravati in the world map. Kudos to TDP MP Jayadev for fighting in Lok Sabha to get Amaravati included in the map and got released by the Survey of India," rough translation of Lokesh's tweet, which was in Telugu, read.Earlier on Thursday, TDP MP Jayadev Galla had raised the issue in the Parliament by stating that the latest map issued by the Home Ministry did not have, Amaravati in it.Later on, MoS G Kishan Reddy had on Friday said that error regarding Amaravati missing from the political map released by the Home Ministry has been corrected."Taking note of the issue of Amaravati missing from the map, raised by Hon'ble MPs of AP in the Parliament yesterday, I took up the matter with the concerned. The error has been rectified. Here is the revised map of India. @JayGalla @MithunReddyYSRC PC: Survey of India," said Reddy, tweeting a picture of the map. (ANI)
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