Madanapalle (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Apr 03 (ANI): TDP supremo and Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Tuesday hit out at Narendra Modi for comparing the Polavaram project to an ATM."Polavaram is the lifeline of Andhra Pradesh - it is not ATM for me, but ATW (anytime water) for the state," said Naidu addressing a public meeting at Madanapalle.Naidu was referring to Prime Minister's remarks during a public meeting at Rajahmundry where Modi alleged that the Andhra chief minister was using the Polavaram irrigation project on the Godavari as an ATM.Claiming that Modi did not want the completion of Polavaram project, Naidu alleged that the Prime Minister was not releasing funds for the project."Polavaram project needs Rs 58,000 crores but the Centre gave us only Rs 7,000 crores. Is the PM giving money out of his pocket, " Naidu questioned.He said his government was making all efforts to complete the project and provide water by July. He assured to provide drinking water to every household within two years.Naidu also lashed out at YS Jaganmohan Reddy alleging that the YSRCP leader keeps on committing crimes and hatching conspiracies and heaping criticisms on the basis of caste.The TDP chief also alleged that the Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao was intimidating film stars in Hyderabad and was forcing them to campaign for Jaganmohan Reddy. He alleged that actors like Mohan Babu, Jayasudha and Ali never visited the state when it was hit by natural calamities.Furthermore, Naidu accused the cinema artists of having all their assets in Hyderabad and were being threatened by KCR. "We will not spare such people campaigning for YSRCP," he said.Referring to Jagan Reddy's appeal to people to give him a chance, Naidu said "Jagan is asking to vote for him once. Do we consume poison for once? Do we jump off the cliff once?"Naidu also accused Reddy of getting money bags from Narendra Modi and K Chandrashekhar Rao.Hitting out at Modi for the Godhra incident, Naidu said Modi is acting like an anarchist after coming to power. Voting for YSRCP is equivalent to voting for Modi, he added.Naidu also said if voted to power he will take the responsibility of filling all the vacant posts in the state, and will take the responsibility of future of the youth. (ANI)

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