New Delhi [India], Nov 27 (ANI): Union Ministry of Shipping on Wednesday approved the long pending demand of Manipur government for the development of Loktak Inland Waterways project in the state. According to an official statement, L Susindro Meitei, Chairman of Loktak Development Authority and MLA Khurai in Manipur, had requested for the development of this project."Northeast is a beautiful region with stunning landscapes and holds a lot of opportunity for tourism purposes. Today, the Ministry of Shipping has approved the long pending demand of Government of Manipur for development of Loktak Inland Waterways improvement project under the central sector scheme at the estimated cost of Rs 25.58 crore," Union Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said in a statement.He added that the project will give a boost to the development of inland water transport connectivity in the North-eastern states and will also boost the tourism sector there.Loktak Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast and is famous for the phumdis floating over it. The lake is located at Moirang in Manipur. (ANI)

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