New Delhi [India], Jan 20 (ANI): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested a murder accused from Kerala's Kozhikode airport while he was returning from Dubai, an official said.According to the investigation agency, Bipin Das, who is an accused in the murder case of Manoj CT (also known as Payyoly Manoj), was arrested on Saturday."Manoj was assaulted by group of six-persons of a political party with weapons on February 12, 2012 when he died. Earlier the state police was investigating the case, which was later transferred to Kerala High Court and CBI took over the case and filed a charge sheet against 27 persons on September 19, 2019 but Bipin Das was absconder," CBI said.CBI issued a Look Out Circular (LOC) against Bipin Das during an investigation. Finally Das was arrested at Kozhikode on January 18 while he was returning home from Dubai."The LOC was issued against Bipin Das and immediately after his arrival at the Kozhikode airport immigration officers told CBI that Bipin Das had come to the airport and immediately the officials of the CBI reached the airport and arrested him," it added. (ANI)
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