"Atlanta" star Brian Tyree Henry is the latest addition to the ensemble cast of the action-thriller "Bullet Train", featuring Brad Pitt. The film is based on Isaka Kotar's Japanese novel "Maria Beetle" and will be directed by David Leitch. Zak Olkewicz has penned the script. According to Deadline, Sony Pictures has been keeping plot details and character descriptions under wraps and it is unknown who Henry will be playing as well. Bullet Train: Aaron Taylor-Johnson Joins Brad Pitt in Sony’s Action Movie
Joey King, Aaron Taylor Johnson and Andrew Koji are also part of the already announced cast. Leitch and Kelly McCormick are attached to produce the project through 87North, along with Antoine Fuqua. Deadpool 2 Director David Leitch to Direct Sony Pictures’ Bullet Train
Henry's upcoming projects include "The Woman in the Window", "Superintelligence", "Godzilla vs Kong" and "The Eternals". PTI
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