Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Jan 8 (ANI): BJP spokesperson Shaina NC on Tuesday defended her earlier tweets criticizing filmmaker Anurag Kashyap and actor Swara Bhasker for their alleged use of 'insinuating language' against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and their appearance at the Gateway of India where "Free Kashmir" posters were raised."The likes of Swara Bhasker and Anurag Kashyap are speaking as if they are the voice of the majority of this country. Who gives them the right to speak against the Prime Minister in such an insinuating language? Bollywood has every right to raise their voice provided it is an informed, well-read opinion," Shaina NC told ANI on Tuesday."If not they must be willing to have a counter-narrative combat them too. They are welcome to agitate, propagate but if you are going to stand in the same periphery where somebody is raising the Free Kashmir banner, what does this do to the democracy of ours," she added.She further raised questions over the protests against CAA, NRC and other topics being restricted to a few universities, "As an Indian citizen one is entitled to protest but nobody should take the law in their hands. There are 980 universities in the country while the agitations and propaganda politics take place only in these five universities."Earlier on Tuesday, Shaina through her Twitter handle had questioned several Bollywood personalities for their support to the protests at Gateway of India."What Mumbai saw yesterday in the name of protests at Gateway, was shameful and despicable. How can posters of 'Free Kashmir' be accepted in any protest on Indian soul. This is a question we can ask on twitter and Instagram. Did our freedom fighters give their blood to see this day?" her first tweet read."It is deplorable that the likes of Aparna Sen, Taapsee, Swara Bhasker, Anurag Kashyap, Hansal Mehta, Vishal Dadlani, are standing with those who espouse the cause of 'Free Kashmir.' Their antics and publicity stunts are comprehensively rejected by the youth of India," Shaina said in her second tweet.Meanwhile, an FIR was registered on Tuesday against a woman who held a poster with the slogan "free Kashmir" at the Gateway of India in Mumbai on Monday during a protest against the violence at Jawaharlal Nehru University in the national capital.According to police, the FIR was registered against Mehek Mirza Prabhu under Section 153B (imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at Kolba police station here today. (ANI)

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