New Delhi (India), Dec 24 (ANI): With clocks ticking towards the festival of wishes, gifts and blessings, Bollywood on Tuesday was all jazzed up to welcome Christmas.Actor Jacqueline Fernandez was the first person to share her Christmas ready look in a dreamy post full of sunshine."I'm dreaming of a white Christmas," the actor captioned the post.Actor Janhvi Kapoor also took her Instagram to share her picture donning the red Santa Claus Cap."It's almost Christmas and I've got more than one reason to be this happy!! p.s this was truly candid," the actor captioned her picture where she was seen wearing a beautiful smile.Actor Kartik Aaryan who is currently basking in the success of 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' also shared a picture wearing the cap and termed himself "Santa"."Y fear when Santa is here. Kis kis ko gift chahiye," Aaryan wrote along with the picture.Besides Bollywood, Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar who will be soon seen on the silver screen opposite Akshay Kumar also posted her Pre-Christmas picture.Chillar posted a picture with her mother and said that all she wants for her Christmas is her mother. (ANI)

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