Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Sept 11 (ANI): Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has spent more than Rs 2 lakh to fix a pothole in 2013, said Shakeel Ahmed who filed an RTI seeking details of funds and expenditure of the Corporation in fixing potholes on the roads in Mumbai."I have filed an RTI with BMC asking details of funds spend on filling potholes between 2013 to 2019, number of complaints related to potholes and how many it fixed. BMC has spent Rs 113 crore between 2013 to 2019. They have received 24,146 complaints and claimed they have fixed 23,388 potholes," he told ANI on Tuesday. "In 2013, BMC spend more than Rs 2 lakh to fix a pothole. They had spent Rs 46 crores to fix 2,268 potholes in 2013. In 2017-18, they spend Rs 15 crore to fix 8,000 in two years. Why is there such disparity? There is a big corruption and it should be investigated," Ahmed said. According to information in the RTI, Rs 46,25,97,000 has been spent to fix 2,268 potholes in the year 2013-2014. Accordingly, an average of Rs 2,03,966 had been spent to fix potholes.The estimated budget of BMC during 2013-2019 to fix potholes on roads in Mumbai was Rs 175.50 crore. (ANI)

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