Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Dec 11 (ANI): Following Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Eknath Khadse's meeting with Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, party leader Sudhir Mungantiwar said that BJP will hold discussions with Khadse to address his concerns.A meeting of BJP core committee, attended by former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, state president Chandrakant Patil and other leaders was held in Mumbai on Tuesday."We decided in today's meeting to hold discussions with Eknath Khadse ji, his concerns will be addressed. Khadse ji has submitted some evidence (alleging BJP workers worked against the party in elections), whoever has worked against the party will be expelled,' said BJP leader Sudhir Mungantiwar.He also clarified that Pankaja Munde had skipped the day's meeting after taking permission from the state party chief."Pankaja Munde did not attend today's meeting with the permission of the state party president," he added.The development came soon after, BJP's Eknath Khadse on Tuesday met Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray at Vidhan Bhavan here."I am not going to join Shiv Sena... I am not upset with BJP, I am just upset with two-three leaders of the BJP," Khadse said after the meeting with Thackeray.Earlier on Tuesday, Khadse had said that he has audio and video evidence against party cadres who have worked against the party during the recent Maharashtra Assembly elections.He had said that these are the leaders, who were responsible for the defeat of party candidates in the recent assembly polls. (ANI)
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