New Delhi [India], Jan 15 (ANI): BJP MP from Mumbai North Gopal Shetty on Wednesday slammed Congress leaders Digvijaya Singh and Mani Shankar Aiyar, stating that "we don't have to worry till the time the people of the country are with Prime Minister Narendra Modi."Digvijaya Singh on Wednesday said Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah should reject allegations by controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik that he was approached by the Indian government for the support over the abrogation of Article 370 and noted that if they do not do so, it will be assumed his allegations are correct.When asked about Singh's comment, Shetty told ANI: "Whatever these people do, we don't have to worry till the time the people of the country are with Prime Minister Narendra Modi."He added: "When nobody gives importance to Digvijaya Singh in the Congress, then why should we respond to them."Talking about Mani Shankar Aiyar, Shetty said: "He too is a gone case ... now they are worried about 2024. That is why they are spoiling the atmosphere of the country, and nothing else."During a panel discussion in Lahore, Aiyar claimed that there is a rift between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah over articulation of NPR and NRC. (ANI)
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