Chandigarh (Haryana) [India], Nov 14 (ANI): Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala on Thursday said that even after 20 days of results, the BJP and JJP are not worried about the issues being faced by the people but are busy fighting over portfolio allotment."Surprisingly, the BJP-JJP state government had got 60-months, but they have already wasted close to one month in this convolution for ministerial portfolios," a statement issued by Surjewala read."The people are suffering due to maladministration but the BJP-JJP have no concern for their sufferings. The election results were announced on October 24, but the department portfolios have not been distributed so far, so even the routine public works are stuck up with officers for lack of clarity on responsibilities. This has resulted in total collapse of governance structure as the officials are also not taking any interest in their day to day work in this period of great uncertainty," it added.Through the statement, Surjewala alleged that there is a complete breakdown of law and order in the state and crimes are on the rise."The daily news of so many murders, kidnappings, and heinous crimes are tarnishing the image of the state. There is no headship or responsibility in the departments of the state government, in such a situation the governance stands paralysed. The two so-called leaders are only engaged in serving their political interests but they do not seem to worry about the state and its people," the statement added. (ANI)

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