Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) [India], Apr 4 (ANI): Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh took a potshot at the NDA-government, which he said was resorting to talking on "nationalism, terrorism, and Hindu-Muslim" as it did not have any answers to the issue of unemployment in the country."BJP will talk about nationalism, terrorism, and Hindu-Muslim because they don't have an answer to the issue of unemployment. They don't have an answer to what they did for the poor, how they have destroyed the Indian economy and about their promise to deposit Rs 15 lakhs into accounts," Singh said addressing party workers here on Wednesday.Singh urged party workers to inform first-time voters about the work done by the Congress party.The Lok Sabha election will be held in Madhya Pradesh on April 29 and May 6, 12 and 19. The result will be announced on May 23. (ANI)

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