Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], Nov 15 (ANI): Congress and BJP MLAs on Thursday protested inside the Odisha Assembly, demanding Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry in the death case of Smita Rani Biswal, a Panchayat Executive Officer who died in Jajpur on October 16.Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had alleged that Jajpur District Superintendent of Police Charan Singh Meena, was influencing the probe in the murder of Haridaspur Panchayat Executive Officer."BJP would file FIR against Jajpur SP Charan Singh Meena at all police stations of Jajpur district in connection with the death of Smita Rani Biswal, a Panchayat Executive Officer," S Mohanty, BJP Odisha Vice President, had said.Biswal was found hanging in a guest house at Baligari under Dharmasala Block of the Jajpur district on October 16. (ANI)
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