Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Feb 7 (ANI): Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday backed the remarks made by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Prime Minister, saying that the "PM Narendra Modi has already stopped visiting foreign countries"."He is absolutely right. The PM has already stopped visiting abroad else our PM was a multinational PM who used to stay more outside the nation rather than in the country," said Baghel.Rahul Gandhi had on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over rising unemployment, and claimed that the Prime Minister will not be able to step out of his house in the next six months due to his "false promises of employment"."From the time Amit Shah has started talking about CAA and NRC, the Prime Minister's foreign visit has almost stopped," said Baghel. "Narendra Modi, who is giving speeches, he will not be able to move out of his house in the next six months. The youth of India will lathi-charge him to make him understand that without employment, the country can never progress," Rahul Gandhi had said while addressing a rally at Old Delhi's Hauz Qazi. (ANI)

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