Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Jan 12 (ANI): The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is all set to appoint former cricketers Gautam Gambhir and Madan Lal as members of the Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC).Both Lal and Gambhir have been approached by the board for the role of the advisory committee which will pick selection committees for the next four-year cycle starting 2020."Madan Lal is been approached by BCCI for CAC appointment but the final call to be taken by the board only. Gautam Gambhir is also approached by the BCCI and he is likely to accept the offer," a BCCI source told ANI.The 68-year-old veteran was a hero of the 1983 World Cup-winning Indian side while the 2011 World Cup star Gambhir will assist him along with the third member. (ANI)

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