London [UK], Feb 26 (ANI): After a commanding victory over Chelsea in the Champions League, Bayern Munich coach Hansi Flick said they dominated the game."Today it was a very focused team performance for the whole 90 minutes. We put pressure on our opponents from the beginning and dominated the game," the club's official website quoted Flick as saying.Chelsea were beaten 3-0 in the first leg of their last-16 Champions League tie against Bayern Munich on Wednesday. Serge Gnabry scored twice while Robert Lewandowski netted a goal to hand Bayern Munich a win.All the goals for Bayern Munich came in the second half and Flick admitted that they failed to capitalise on the chances in the first half."In the first half we could have capitalised on one or two chances. In the second half we were able to do so. We are very, very happy. I've known Serge Gnabry for a very long time. He has developed so well. Serge is very good in one-on-one situations and in front of the goal. We're very happy to have him," he said.Reflecting on the victory, Gnabry said: "We came out of the break strong, put a lot of pressure on Chelsea and made good use of the moments of transition at the end of the move. Lewy laid two goals on a plate for me, he could have scored himself. I scored two goals and then he scored one himself."The second leg of the last 16 tie between Chelsea and Bayern Munich will be played on March 19. (ANI)

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