Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Jan 10 (ANI): Ahead of the three-match ODI series against India, Australia's limited-overs skipper Aaron Finch on Friday said that the battle between Marnus Labuschagne and Jasprit Bumrah would be exciting for everyone to watch."It is going to be really exciting (battle between Bumrah and Labuschagne). His domestic record is pretty good, he has played a lot of used wickets back home, so it is similar to playing in India. Hopefully, he can bring the form from Test series to the limited-overs. He would be ready to go," Finch told reporters after arriving in India. "When you are not playing against him (Bumrah), it is exciting to watch him bowl. The more you watch him, you can learn how to tackle him. Each person has their own individual plans. You need to mentally prepare for the challenge," he added.Labuschage recently grabbed his career-best ranking and moved to the third place in the latest ICC Test player rankings after a match-winning double-century against New Zealand in Sydney.The 25-year-old moved up one slot after scores of 215 and 59 in the third Test. He was the highest scorer in the series with 549 runs, while his five previous Tests that include two at home against Pakistan, saw him amass 896 runs.On the other hand, Bumrah has made a comeback to the Indian side after a span of almost six months. The pacer is currently in action against Sri Lanka in the ongoing three-match T20I series.Bumrah managed to return with the bowling figures of 1-32 in the second T20I against the Islanders.The 26-year-old is a vital member of the Indian team in all three formats. He is the number one bowler in the ODI format. He was the highest wicket-taker for the side in the ICC Men's World Cup 2019. (ANI)
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