Veteran star Sanjay Dutt is all set to step into the shoes of the main antagonist in the upcoming film Baaghi 4, headlined by Tiger Shroff. The upcoming project is the fourth installment in the Baaghi franchise and is slated to hit the big screens on September 5, 2025. Directed by A Harsha, the film is produced by Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. Dutt, 65, shared the update on his X handle on Monday along with the poster from the film featuring him in a menacing avatar. ‘Baaghi 4’: Tiger Shroff Returns for Another Nail-Biting Action Adventure in A Harsha’s Directorial – Check Out First Look Poster!.
"Every Aashiq is a Villain. #SajidNadiadwala's #Baaghi4 Directed by @NimmaAHarsha. Starring @iTIGERSHROFF @rajatsaroraa @NGEMovies @WardaNadiadwala @TSeries @PenMovies," he captioned the post. The first "Baaghi" (2016) was directed by Sabbir Khan. The next two films Baaghi 2 and Baaghi 3 released in 2018 and 2020, respectively and were helmed by Ahmed Khan. ‘Baaghi 4’: Tiger Shroff Announces Release Date for the Action-Packed Film - Set To Hit Screens on September 5, 2025 (View Poster).
Sanjay Dutt In Baaghi 4
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While Shraddha Kapoor featured in the first and third installments, Disha Patani played the female lead in the second movie. Dutt will next be seen in Housefull 5.