Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Jan 7 (ANI): Women activists in Hyderabad alleged that the attacks on students in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on January 5 were an attempt to silence the youth over their opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC)."It is heartbreaking to see that while JNU students were being brutally attacked by communal goons, the police stood there silently as spectators. How can a country which talks about the demographic advantage of having youth and students just condemn it on paper and fail to arrest and punish the perpetrators of the attack? We feel that this is a part of conspiracy," Devi, a woman activist told ANI on Monday."They started attacking the universities not just JNU or Jamia since many universities are taking part in the protest against CAA and NRC. They want to frighten the whole student community by attacking JNU which is the emotional centre of protest against the Centre," she added.Khaleedha Parveen, another activist agreed with the statements issued by Devi.On Sunday evening, more than 30 students of the university, including JNUSU President Aishe Ghosh, were injured and were taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre after a masked mob entered the JNU and attacked them and professors with sticks and rods.The JNU administration and political leaders, cutting across political lines, condemned the attack on students and urged the police to take action against the perpetrators.Meanwhile, the situation remained tense but peaceful outside JNU on Monday morning as the university guards maintained a strict vigil at the gate, checking I-cards of all those entering the university. (ANI)
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