New Delhi [India], Mar 19 (ANI): Actor Katrina Kaif is trying her hand at playing guitar as she and many other celebrities remain at home amid the coronavirus outbreak.The 36-year-old actor in an Instagram video was seen trying to ace the chords on the guitar and singing along with it.Kaif captioned the video as 'work in progress' and posted it without sound."Work in progress, sound coming soon in a few days, hopefully, can't let down @ankurtewari #staysafe," she wrote in the caption.The 'Bharat' actor was seen dressed in comfy clothing, a white coloured solid T-shirt and matching shorts.The number of positive cases of coronavirus has climbed to 151 in India, including 25 foreign nationals. Three persons have died due to the infection in the country.Several states have already ordered the closure of all places of public gatherings including schools, colleges, clubs, swimming pools etc. (ANI)
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