Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], Nov 6 (ANI): Rajasthan Police have arrested an Indian Army jawan for allegedly sharing secret information with a suspected ISI agent over social media."An Army jawan -- Vichitra Behera -- has been formally arrested by the Rajasthan Police for allegedly sharing secret information with a suspected Pakistani ISI agent over social media," said Umesh Mishra, Additional Director General, Intelligence, Rajasthan Police.Behera, currently posted in Pokhran, was arrested by the CID Intelligence after being caught in a honey trap of a lady ISI agent.Over suspicious activities of Behera, CID Intelligence on the direction of Additional DCP, Intelligence, kept a watch on Behera. During the process, it came to the knowledge that Behera was in touch with the Pakistani agent through Facebook and WhatsApp and was sharing information and asked for money in return.After this, Behera was called to Jaipur for questioning. He later revealed that the Pakistani woman agent became his friend two years ago. (ANI)

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