Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma is making sure to keep her fans entertained with the pictures and videos she shares from her daily routine and shooting.On Wednesday, the 'PK' actor took to her Instagram handle and shared a behind-the-scenes video from one of her shoots where she can be seen having fun in front of the camera. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma's Chemistry in These TVCs Is A Treat For Virushka Fans (Watch Videos).

She donned a beige coloured crop top with the same coloured pants and left her short hair open with minimal makeup. Her smile is proof that she is having a lot of fun while shooting BTS videos. She captioned the BTS video post that read, "Shooting pe". Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma Sharpen Their Cricket Skills at Home (Watch Video).

Check Out The Video Below:


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The post was flooded with likes and comments. A fan wrote, "So Pretty" while another fan wrote, "Cutie". Talking about Anushka's work front, she will be making a comeback after a break of almost 3 years with Jhulan Goswami's biopic named 'Chakda Xpress'. The movie will focus on the hardships and challenges the cricketer had to face to make a place in the world of cricket.

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