New Delhi [India], Feb 2 (ANI): Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has written to the Chief Election Commissioner stating that the party has been informed through sources that "anti-social elements in connivance with certain political parties are planning to create unrest and violence on February 2 to subvert law and order in Delhi"."We have come to know through our sources that certain anti-social elements in connivance with certain political parties are planning to create unrest and violence on February 2 to subvert law and order in Delhi and to impede the conduct of free and fair election scheduled on February 8," AAP said in the letter.The party further said that they have attached a video wherein a group can be seen giving a call to assemble near Sarita Vihar in large numbers."In the light of these, we apprehend that this may be a well-planned conspiracy to sabotage the Delhi Legislative Assembly Election 2020. We request the commission to act immediately and direct the Commissioner of Police and other agencies to investigate and take appropriate measures to pre-empt any such criminal act," AAP said. (ANI)

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