Leh (Ladakh) [India], May 7 (ANI): As part of Operation Namaste another batch of foreign returnees have arrived in Leh after completing their quarantine at Indian Army facility in Jodhpur."Another batch of foreign returnees arrived in Leh after quarantine at Indian Army facility in Jodhpur. Reception and screening assistance provided by Fire and Fury Corps. The mortal remains of two patients also received with due honours," said the Indian Army Northern Command.On April 25, a total of 205 people belonging to Ladakh who returned from abroad had returned to Leh after completing their quarantine at the Indian Army facility in Jodhpur.The total number of coronavirus cases in the country has reached 49,391, including 14,183 recovered/migrated and 1,694 deaths, as per the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (ANI)
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