Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Jan 2 (ANI): The state government on Thursday appointed Indian Administrative Service (IAS) official Dr Kritika Shukla and Indian Police Service (IPS) official M. Deepika, as Special Officers for implementing the Andhra Pradesh Disha Act 2019.The Act is intended for speedy trial and faster execution in cases of sexual offences against women in the state."Dr Kritika Shukla, is presently the Director of Women Development and Child Welfare has been given an additional charge as DISHA Special Officer. M. Deepika, who is the Additional Superintendent of Police (Administration) of Kurnool has been transferred and posted as DISHA Special Officer," stated an official release.The AP Disha Bill prescribes life imprisonment for other sexual offences against children and includes Section 354 F and 354 G in IPC. In cases of harassment of women through social or digital media, the Bill states two years imprisonment for the first conviction and four years for second and subsequent convictions. For this a new Section 354 E will be added in IPC, 1860, a press note said.To ensure a speedy trial, the state will set up exclusive special courts in all the 13 districts to deal with cases of offences against women and children including rape, acid attacks, stalking, voyeurism, social media harassment of women, sexual harassment and all cases under POCSO Act. The state will also employ special Public Prosecutors and Special Police force dedicated to such crimes only. (ANI)

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