Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh) [India], Nov 20 (ANI): The Andhra Pradesh government issued a financial order for extending financial assistance to Hajj pilgrims for expenses other than travel expenditure."The assistance will be Rs 60,000 for pilgrims having an annual income less than Rs 3 lakhs, and Rs 30,000 for pilgrims having annual income more than Rs 3 lakhs. The expenditure shall be met from the B.E 2019-20 of Andhra Pradesh Hajj Committee for this scheme," read a release by the state government on Tuesday.Apart from this, the Andhra Pradesh Hajj Committee has also made arrangements for free accommodation and food to Hajj pilgrims from the time of their reporting to the Hajj camp to their departure on the pilgrimage.The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. It is scheduled to begin on July 28 and will come to an end on August 2 in 2020. (ANI)

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