Brightening up the day with her vibrant smile, Bollywood star Ananya Panday, on Wednesday treated fans to a couple of adorable photos featuring her wearing a denim hat. The 'Student Of The Year 2' star hopped on to Instagram and posted a string of photos in which she is seen candidly posing for the lens. Suhana Khan Dons a Sexy Pastel Green Dress for Her 21st Birthday; Ananya Panday Feels She Looks Like Tinkerbell!
In the first picture, Panday is seen flashing a wide smile for the lens as she keeps her luscious locks open and embraces the message written in bold over her T-shirt. It read, "Love each other, Love the Earth," with the logo of a globe printed on it. The actor seems to extend a message of environment conservation and recycling the old stuff as she embraces her denim-made hat that has patches of light blue denim fabric. 10 Style Lessons You Can Take From Ananya Panday’s Instagram Feed To Amp Up Your Summer Fashion!
The second image sees the 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' star as she puts on display her nail art that matches her hat. The last image sees the actor making a rather goofy face as she covers a bit of her head with the denim hat. With the pictures, Panday has channelled her mid-week mood. She captioned the post as, "I love my new hat." As soon as the post hit the photo-sharing platform it garnered more than 5.2 lakh likes with scores of fans complimenting the actor's beauty and her unique hat.
Check Out Ananya Panday's Instagram Post Below:
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Ananya, who had started her career with Karan's 'Student of the Year 2', was last seen in 'Khaali Peeli' opposite Ishaan Khatter. Apart from 'Liger', Ananya will also be seen in Shakun Batra's next directorial, alongside Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.
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