Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Feb 13 (ANI): The police on Tuesday said that the alleged clashes between groups of students in the Aligarh Muslim University are a matter of internal dispute.Aligarh District Magistrate CB Singh asserted that the external authorities cannot interfere without the permission of the Vice Chancellor or Proctor."Whatever we have come to know so far, as per that this is an internal dispute of the University (AMU). One group alleges that they were thrashed, another groups claim that the former tried to disrupt the harmony in the campus. We are monitoring the situation."The clashes allegedly took place to protest AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi's visit in the university, who reportedly was invited by the Aligarh Muslim University Students' Union (AMUSU) along with other Muslim parties' presidents to discuss the formation of a new political front to fight for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Further assuring action against those who attacked journalists amid the protest, he said, "As it is their internal dispute, we can't interfere unless the Vice Chancellor or Proctor gives us that in writing. We have also come to know that a few journalists were misbehaved with, they have been asked to file complaint. FIR will be lodged and action will be taken."According to media reports, two women TV journalist and several local media persons were allegedly attacked by AMU students and internal security staff when they were trying to report the matter from inside the campus. (ANI)
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