New Delhi [India], Dec 10 (ANI): After the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was passed in the Lok Sabha with an overwhelming majority a little past midnight on Monday Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for making it a reality."I extend my gratitude to PM Narendra Modi for making the historic Citizenship Amendment Bill a reality, that will allow India to open its doors to minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan who are facing religious persecution. I thank everyone who supported this bill," Amit Shah stated in a tweet.Shah said that the minorities who chose to make Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan their home had to constantly live "in the fear of extinction"."This amended legislation by Modi government will allow India to extend them dignity and an opportunity to rebuild their lives," he added. The Lok Sabha on Monday passed the Citizenship Bill with a majority of 311 votes against 80 votes in the Lower House where 391 members were present and voting. The debate on the same lasted for seven hours.The Bill seeks to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.During the debate in the Lower House on Monday, Amit Shah had said: "Hindu population was 84 per cent in 1991. In 2011, it was 79 per cent."."In 1991, the Muslim population was 9.8 per cent. It is today at 14.23 per cent. We have done no discrimination on the basis of religion. In the future as well, there will be no discrimination based on religion," he added. (ANI)
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