New Delhi [India], Jan 29 (ANI): Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah on Wednesday asked AAP leader and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to take "a dip in the Yamuna to realise the condition of its water."Shah, while addressing an election rally here at Najafgarh, said: "They (AAP) had said that they will clean the water of river Yamuna. Kejriwal Ji, today I challenge you to take off your shirt and take a dip in river Yamuna. You will realise the condition of the water of the river Yamuna."Hitting out at the AAP, he said: "They (AAP) had said they will purify the air of Delhi. They did drama, printed advertisements, but if anyone is responsible for the level of pollution in Delhi today, then it is the inactivity of Kejriwal government. Delhi's air has got poisonous."The Union Home Minister also accused Kejriwal-led government of not giving the permission to proceed with the case against Omar Khalid and others in the JNU sloganeering controversy incident."Yesterday we caught Sharjeel (Imam) from Bihar. He said -- Bharat Ke Tukde Kar Do...When slogans of 'Bharat Tere Tukde Ho Ek Hajar' were raised in JNU...We put Kanhaiya Kumar and Omar Khalid in jail. Kejriwal's government did not give permission to proceed with the case since they fear vote bank. I once again want to ask Kejriwal if he wants to give permission to proceed with the case or not...tell this to the people of Delhi," he said.Delhi goes to assembly polls on February 8. The counting of votes will take place on February 11. (ANI)
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