Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Feb 14 (ANI): Hitting out at former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, Rajya Sabha MP Amar Singh said that the former's remarks praising the Prime Minister ar an effort to create confusion and indicated that it could be a tactic to cover up allegations of corruption against the SP and BSP."It is just to create confusion to ensure that Chandrakala, and Rama Raman who looted Noida under the guidance of both Mulayam and Mayawati are saved and Modi ji gets neutralised."Referring to IAS officers Rama Raman and Chandrakala, the former SP leader launched a scathing attack on Mulayam Singh. Chandrakala was recently summoned by the Enforcement Directorate in an alleged sand mining case.Mulayam Singh Yadav, whose party led by his son Akhilesh Yadav is campaigning to oust the BJP from the Centre, on Wednesday said in the Lok Sabha that the Prime Minister Modi should come back in power after 2019 general elections.The SP veteran's stance is being perceived as a jolt to the efforts of Akhilesh Yadav who had joined hands with the BSP to counter the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. (ANI)
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