New Delhi [India], May 24 (ANI): Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan congratulated his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, after his party BJP swept the Lok Sabha elections. Responding to Khan's message, Modi on Thursday said that he has always "given primacy to peace and development in our region."Messages of support for PM Modi have been pouring in after the BJP secured a resounding mandate in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Dozens of world leaders have either personally called him to laud his victory in the general elections or have extended their wishes on Twitter."I congratulate Prime Minister Modi on the electoral victory of BJP and allies. Look forward to working with him for peace, progress and prosperity in South Asia," Khan tweeted earlier on Thursday.Responding to him, PM Modi wrote: "Thank you PM @ImranKhanPTI. I warmly express my gratitude for your good wishes. I have always given primacy to peace and development in our region."Ahead of the polls, Khan had said that there might be a better chance of peace talks with India if PM Modi wins the elections. He reportedly said that if the next Indian government were to be led by the Congress party, it might be too scared to seek a settlement with Pakistan over Kashmir, fearing a backlash from the right wing. (ANI)

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