Vikarabad (Telangana) [India], Jan 20 (ANI): AIMIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi on Monday warned Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) leaders to maintain decorum while referring to his party."A Secunderabad MLA (Talasani Srinivas) says Majlis party belongs to the old city, you (Minister) should control your tongue and do not speak more than your status," Akbaruddin Owaisi said while addressing a public meeting as part of the municipal elections campaigning.He further implored Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) and his son KT Rama Rao to rein in their party leaders."Beware you should control your tongue or else I will start speaking. KCR and KTR should explain to their leaders, who stay in one party and switch to another at times...If I wish then I can win elections standing from any constituency in India," he said.Earlier on Saturday, Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas had termed AIMIM as a political party confined to the Old city.Speaking to reporters, the Minister said that the TRS had no seat-sharing agreement with the AIMIM in the municipal polls. (ANI)

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