On the occasion of International Women's Day, superstar Ajay Devgn dedicated a heartfelt message to all the special women in his life. Taking to his Instagram, Ajay shared a post through which he honoured all the special women in his life including his mother Veena, his sisters Neelam and Kavita, his wife-actor Kajol and his daughter Nysa. International Women's Day 2022: Sudarsan Pattnaik Shares Wonderful Sand Art Created By His Students At Odisha's Puri Beach (Watch Video).

Through the animated clip, the 'Singham' actor introduced himself not as 'Ajay Devgn' but as 'Veena's son, Kavita and Neelam's brother, Kajol's husband and Nysa's father'. "Thank you all for shaping me in the most wonderful way. #internationalwomensday," Ajay captioned the post.

Check Out The Instagram Post Below:


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A post shared by Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn)


The post accumulated more than one lakh views and thousands of comments from fans and followers who lauded the actor for the heart-warming message." Absolutely the best message!!" a fan wrote. "So expected out of you, Dear Sir! Only a Gentleman with generous heart can do this," a second fan wrote. International Women's Day 2022 Messages & HD Wallpapers: Powerful Quotes, Warm Wishes, HD Images, Sayings And Thoughts To Celebrate The Special Occasion.

For the unversed, March 8 which is celebrated as International Women's Day every year, is a global day commemorating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

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