Agartala (Tripura) [India], July 18 (ANI): Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) on Wednesday conducted a massive anti-encroachment drive to make the city clean and free for uninterrupted movement of traffic and people. Informing about the drive, Municipal Commissioner Shailesh Kumar Yadav said, "All roads and footpaths are being made free from encroachment done by shopkeepers who have made temporary or permanent structures on them, thus interrupting the movement of people."He also added that the drive is not targeting street vendors as they are protected under the Tripura Street Vendors Act."They have been identified through a survey and very soon AMC will provide them with identity cards besides designating areas where they can do their business," he said.Appreciating AMC's drive, a local resident Barnali Tara said: "For the common people encroachment was a big issue as both driving and walking had been made difficult in markets due to this. Thanks to the action taken by the AMC, people will now be aware of the rules and would follow it more strictly."The municipal corporation is also getting required support from law enforcement agencies in this drive. (ANI)

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