New Delhi [India], Jan 7 (ANI): Shortly after the dates for the elections in Delhi were announced, President of Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee (DPCC) Subhash Chopra attacked Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over the misuse of public funds by his government on advertisements."The Kejriwal government talks of being frontrunners in revamping health and education sector. They should tell the public that they were unable to spend 46 per cent of the funds allocated for health and education. They are the number one in just one topic, advertisement. They have misused the funds of the public in advertising," Chopra told ANI here.Exuding confidence over Congress' chances in the upcoming elections, Chopra said, "We are confident in the run-up to the elections. The selection of candidates and local issues have already been finalised."He further said that his party will fight the elections alone and is not going to enter into any coalition with any other party.The Assembly elections in Delhi will be held in a single phase on February 8 while the results will be announced on February 11, the Election Commission of India said on Monday. (ANI)
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