Chandigarh, Oct 26 (PTI) The Haryana Police has managed to reunite a five-year-old girl, who was missing for over three months, with her family in Panchkula using her Aadhaar biometric details.
The police said the girl had gone missing on July 24 from Patiala and a complaint in this regard was registered at the Anaj Mandi Police Station.
The girl was reunited with her family by the Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of the Haryana Police in Panchkula.
A team of AHTU had visited Aadhaar card office in Sector -1 Panchkula to get leads about the missing girl.
After completing the required formalities, the team handed over the girl to her parents at Bal Sadan in Panchkula, police said.
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