Tripoli [Libya], Aug 4 (ANI): At least 62 Europe-bound migrants were rescued by Libyan Coast Guards off the country's Western Coast, the Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency has said."A coat guards patrol rescued 62 illegal immigrants on a rubber boat that broke down at sea," the department said in a statement, adding that the rescued immigrants are of different African and Asian nationalities, reported Xinhua news agency.According to a recent report by the United Nations, more than 90,000 people have been displaced in Libya since April 2018 as a result of the armed conflict between Khalifa Haftar's army and UN-backed government forces in capital Tripoli.The country has been largely divided into two factions ever since the death of its dictator Muammar Gaddafi.The LNA-backed parliament controls the east of Libya, while the UN-backed interim Government of National Accord (GNA) governs Libya's western region from Tripoli. (ANI)

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