Patna, Jan 27 (PTI) Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday said around three-four lakh teachers have been recruited in government schools, and over 26,000 new classrooms and primary schools were built since he took over reins of the state for the first time in 2005.
Kumar, who was addressing a gathering here after inaugurating examination halls-cum-regional offices in various divisional headquarters through remote control, said his government also took initiatives for providing bicycles and uniforms to students.
The examination halls will have the capacity to accommodate 4,000-5,000 examinees under CCTV surveillance, Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) sources said, adding, a portion of these centres will be used as its regional offices.
A large examination hall will also be built at Patna, which will have the capacity to accommodate around 25,000 students, the CM said.
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