Lausanne [Switzerland], April 21 (ANI): The 2020 European Championship Juniors in 25m and 50m Rifle and Pistol events which were slated to be played in Croatia from June 25 to July 2 has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic."The newly proposed dates are 7-14 September 2020. The final decision on the possibility to hold the Championship will be taken by 1st July depending on the actual situation with COVID-19 pandemic and travel realities within Europe," the European Shooting Confederation said in an official statement.On April 9, the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) had postponed its Running Target World Championship due to the coronavirus pandemic.The Championship was scheduled to happen in Chateauroux, France, from June 9-19.Earlier in the month, the Rifle/Pistol and Shotgun World Cups slated to be played in Delhi were cancelled.Right now, no sport is being played as all top tournaments like IPL, Premier League, LA Liga have been suspended and there is no certain answer as to when all these competitions will resume.Also, Wimbledon 2020 has been cancelled for the first time since World War II and Tokyo Olympics have been postponed for the first time. (ANI)

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