New Delhi [India], Jan 20 (ANI): Ahead of Delhi Assembly elections, as many as 183 FIRs were registered under Arms Act and 202 persons were arrested for violating the Model Code of Conduct till January 19, according to the information given by the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) office on Monday. Till date, 183 FIRs were registered under the Arms Act, in which 202 persons were arrested and 130.400 kg narcotics/drugs were seized respectively, it said."As on January 19, at least 9 cases are recorded against the violation in other cases (misuse of vehicles, violation of loudspeakers, illegal meetings and gratification of electors etc)," the officials said in a release. It also added, "Under violation of Model Code of Conduct, up to January 19, over 184 entries have been lodged, out of which, 10 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), 5 Congress, 2 BJP and remaining 167 were under the head of others/independents/non-political parties."The office of the CEO said, "5,22,258 hoardings/banners/posters were removed in all over Delhi and 212 numbers of unlicensed arms/weapons and 303 number of cartridges/explosives/bombs were seized."As many as 488 FIRs have been registered and around 497 persons were arrested under the Excise Act, the release said, adding that as many as 2,433 persons were booked under various sections of CRPC and 53,890 persons were booked under Delhi Police Act.Voting in Delhi will be held on February 8 and counting of votes will take place on February 11. (ANI)
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