Raipur (Chhattisgarh) [India], April 11 (ANI): A 16-year-old COVID-19 patient has recovered in Chhattisgarh and will be discharged soon, State Health Minister TS Singh Deo informed on Friday."A 16-year-old boy in Chhattisgarh who had tested positive for the coronavirus earlier has recovered and will be discharged. We hope that all other patients recover soon," the minister said. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had on Thursday said that a total of 3,000 tests have been done so far in the State and his government is trying all possible ways to increase the number of tests. The COVID-19 tally in the State is 18 as on Friday. India on Friday witnessed a jump of 896 positive COVID-19 cases, increasing the tally to 6,761, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (ANI)
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