Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Apr 1 (ANI): As many as 15 people who attended an event at Tablighi Jamaat headquarters in Delhi, and their relatives have been diagnosed coronavirus positive in Telangana on Tuesday, Telangana Public Health and Family Welfare Department said."Today, 15 people who attended the Markaz (in Nizamuddin, Delhi) and their relatives have been diagnosed coronavirus positive in Telangana," the department said."At present, 77 active positive cases are being treated in various hospitals of the state," it further added.Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal Tuesday said that 1,107 people evacuated from Nizamuddin Markaz have been sent to quarantine.The total number of coronavirus cases in India rose to 1,397 after 146 new patients were reported in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Tuesday. (ANI)

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