Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Oct 13 (ANI): Fourteen-year-old R Praggnanandhaa has won the gold in the under-18 open category in the World Youth Chess Championship.He achieved the feat in Mumbai on Saturday.World Youth Chess Championship's official handle tweeted the video of Praggnanandhaa walking up to the stage to collect his gold medal in the category."That's the walk of a WINNER!!! U18 Champion Praggnanandhaa walks to receive his first GOLD in U18 category!!! #chess #championsoflife #WorldYouthChessChampionship," World Youth Chess Championship's handle tweeted.Praggnanandhaa scored an impressive and unbeaten 9/11 and he ended with a performance rating over 2700."Hearty congratulations to wonder kid, Praggnanandhaa on winning the World Under 18 Championship @WorldChess2019 @rpragchess scored an impressive and unbeaten 9/11 with a performance rating over 2700,"'s official handle tweeted.With this win, the championship ended on a winning note for India as the side registered six other medals which include three silver medals. (ANI)

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