New Delhi [India], April 7 (ANI): Under Lifeline UDAN initiative of Ministry of Civil Aviation, 132 cargo flights have been operated so far across the country to transport medical cargo including to remote and hilly areas, said an official statement on Monday."With support from Air India, Alliance Air, IAF and private airlines, medical supplies of more than 184 tons have been delivered till date during lockdown period," a release of Ministry of Civil Aviation said.Air India and IAF collaborated for Ladakh, Kargil, Dimapur, Imphal, Guwahati, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Jammu, Kargil, Leh, Srinagar, Chandigarh and Port Blair.On the International platform, Air India will be operating dedicated scheduled cargo flights to China for the uplifting of critical medical equipment as per the requirement.The statement said domestic cargo operators; Blue Dart, Spicejet and Indigo are operating cargo flights on a commercial basis. (ANI)

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