Bhubaneswar (Odisha) [India], Jan 30 (ANI): Odisha government on Wednesday announced to develop 101 State-run schools as 'Centres of Excellence' in 30 districts.For the same, the schools will get Rs 25 lakh each for soft skill and infrastructure development. The directions to the schools and mass education department have been given by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik."English medium section will be introduced in these centers and government will introduce spoken English from first standard onwards in all schools of the State. Posting of teachers in all primary and secondary schools will be done on priority," read a statement from the Chief Minister's Office."As per the decision taken, primary, upper primary and high schools having less than 20 students, will be merged with the nearest schools situated at a distance of 1 km to 3 km so there is no shortage of teachers. Escort allowances to be provided to the students to be shifted to other schools under the RTE Act and shifting allowance of Rs 5000 will be provided to students," the statement added. (ANI)

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